Paritutu Bowling Club - Lawn Bowling Club, New Plymouth, Taranaki

Members Info

President's Message

Kia Ora fellow bowlers and supporters,

It is my honour to welcome you to the 2021–2022 season of lawn bowls.

Special welcome is extended to all new Club Members and their families.

I warmly welcome the newly appointed members to the Management Board. Don Christensen and Heather Johns have previously served on the Board, so bring a special depth of knowledge and experience. Greg Dunlop and Trevor Johns also bring considerable experience and commitment to the Board. Greg served more than 20 years on the Executive Committee of Rocky Nook Bowling Club in Auckland, and as Building Officer for the New Plymouth District Council he has a strong knowledge of building compliance which will be of considerable assistance to our Board. Trevor Johns is a retired Master Builder with invaluable expertise and skills for a Club with ageing facilities.

Special thanks goes to Management Board for their hard work and commitment throughout the past season. A lot was achieved, especially in the area of Health & Safety, Financial Management and upgrades of furniture & chattels. The Board members made many crucial decisions based on careful prioritisation and astute financial management. Unfortunately Steve Cottam, Kevin Williams and Tom Crehan could not stand for re-election to the Board because of time pressures related to their businesses and employment. Denis Leighton was also unavailable due to personal reasons. We thank them for their contributions to the Board over the past year.

A huge thank you is extended to our Secretary Sandra Zittersteijn, the Greenkeeping staff of Mike Walsh, Don Christensen, Ian Andrews & Aidan Zittersteijn and our cleaner Bridget Fletcher. You should all feel very proud of your efforts.

Mike Walsh has resigned from his role of Greenkeeper, but has agreed to continue as Green Superintendent. It is hard to believe he has resigned because he still seems to be busy mowing lawns etc etc!!

The success of a Club relies on teamwork. Every member of our Club is a member of that team. Many members of our team willingly volunteer their time and energy working for our Club, to ensure it functions smoothly and effectively. Your contribution to our Club is immense. Lets all keep working together to ensure another enjoyable and fulfilling season.

Paritutu Community Bowling Club can be very proud of the achievements on the bowling green throughout the 2020-2021 season. Eighteen members won Champion of Champion Awards! This is staggering. It was only made possible by having two seasons of Ch’ of Ch’ in one season, due to Covid delaying the 2019-2020 finals. Special congratulations goes to Marlene Barrowman for obtaining her Gold Star for five Centre titles, and for winning the Taranaki Female Sportsperson of the Year Award, and to Heather Johns for gaining her 10th Centre Title badge.

Congratulations goes to Graham Hill for receiving Life membership for his outstanding contribution to our Club over the past 43 years. Well done Graham, you thoroughly deserve this honour.

I wish everybody a very successful and enjoyable 2021-2022 Season.

Kia Kaha
Martin Jordan

New members always welcomed...

Paritutu Bowling Club - Lawn Bowling Club, New Plymouth, Taranaki

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